Cochlear implant surgeries

Home Projects / Hearing aids and cochlear implants Cochlear implant surgeries
In modern world hearing impairment has become very topical issue. Taking into account this, “Medeks” medical company is taking a number of measures in this field. So, hundreds of patients with hearing impairment have been examined respectively and it has been performed cochlear implant surgery on 98 children in LOR Hospital with the support of Heydar Aliyev Foundation since 01.08.2015 up to date. The rehabilitation of hearing and speech has been achieved by applying respective rehabilitation works within a next year. Famous professionals were involved from around the world by the Company in order to realize this program (Milan Profant, Professor of Bratislava Medical University, Chairman of World LOR Society Association; Thomas Klenzner, Doctor of medical sciences, professor, deputy of director of  Dusseldorf Lor Clinic; Michael Sandler, Professor, deputy of director of Advanced Bionics Cochlear Implant Company; Eugenijus Lesinskas, professor of Vilnius Medical University, chief of Otorhinolarynology department; Johanna Brachmayer, master, chief of Rehabilitation project, representative of Med El Company in England; Inna Korolyova, professor of Surdology department of Russia State Pedagogical University named after Gertsen, member of the Board of Russia Audiologists Society; Vladislav Kuzovkov, Doctor of Medical sciences, oto surgeon, Expert of International Hearing Centers Association, Russia, Saint-Petersburg; Julie Kosaner, Master, Audiologist, Leading reabilitologist, representative of Med El Company in Turkey; Hasan Diab, Doctor of Medical Sciences, surgeon otorhinologist; Ali Ozdek, professor, surgeon, Expert on Ear, nose, throat diseases and Head and Neck Surgery, member of International Working Group of Endoscopic Ear Surgery. (IWGEES)
Along with this, it is created an opportunity for training of local professionals and it was organized education and trainings of them in foreign countries (Germany, Austria, France, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia) at the expense of the company. As a result of these, physicians of LOR Hospital Clinic can realize cochlear implant surgeries at high level currently that were impossible to realize in Azerbaijan before. At the same time conducting a screening, download of software of cochlear implantation surgery, regulation of the apparatus, and recovery of the patients are also carried out by local professionals.
As rehabilitation of speech after surgery is very important, “Hearing and Speech Rehabilitation Center” supplied with modern apparatus was established. The team consisting of otorhinologists, surdopedagogues, psychologist and engineers on hearing apparatus who were trained in foreign countries at the expense of the company work in this center. 

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