Consulting and design

Home Services / Consulting and design

Medeks LLC has solid experience in the designing of medical institutions of varying complexity, laboratories, health resorts and spa institutions, as well as beauty centers. It performs the following activities:

  • Evaluation of the premises, buildings, terrain for placing medical facility (laboratory, spa facilities, spa and cosmetic centers).
  • Performing measurements of the premises.
  • Drawing up a list of necessary facilities for the licensing of medical institutions (laboratories).
  • Calculation of area required for placement of medical institutions (laboratories, health resorts, SPA and cosmetic centers).
  • Optimization of the spatial and functional schemes of medical institutions (laboratories, health resorts, SPA and cosmetic centers) to reduce the total area or building into the existing area.
  • Designing of "clean rooms": operating rooms, intensive care.
  • Performing of complex design of medical institutions (laboratories, health resorts, SPA and cosmetic centers).
  • Customer Consulting on technical issues adopted in the project: the selection of equipment and materials, the placement of the equipment, decoration, choice of partitions.
  • Customer Consulting on the selection of medical equipment, medical furniture. Supplying and installation of equipment.
  • Supporting of the project: supervision.

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