Antibacterial Hemodialysis catheter set AGB (AGB +) - ARROW

Home Hemodialysis / Consumables Antibacterial Hemodialysis catheter set AGB (AGB +) - ARROW

Antibacterial Hemodialysis catheter set AGB (AGB +) - ARROW

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ARROW-Guard  Technology (AGB) is a chlorhexidine impregnation of the catheter surface.  Chlorhexidine / silver sulfadiazine antimicrobial catheters such as CVRO  ARROW®, developed with ARROW AGB + technology, are recommended by CDC 1A for  the prevention of catheter-associated bloodstream infections.
The use of ARROW AGB + technology can  protect against infections and therefore further reduce costs by reducing  infection rates. More than 30 studies confirm the effectiveness of ARROW GB +  technology in a wide range of microbial activity. The ARROW catheter with  ARROW AGB + technology has a long history.
ARROW AGB Blue Technology is the first  generation of chlorhexidine antiseptic catheters. Protects only the outside  of the catheter. ARROW AGB + Blue PLUS® technology is based on  chlorhexidine-based technology, both externally and internally, and is protected  along the path of the liquid inside extension lines and concentrators.
ARROWg + ard® technology reduces  bacterial catheter colonization by 45 percent and catheter-associated  bacteremia by 80 percent.
ARROW AGB technology has been proven to  be effective against CLABSI pathogens. These include a wide variety of  gram-positive bacteria, including S. epidermidis, MRSA, and S. aureus;  strains of enterococci and pseudomonas, including gram-negative bacteria;  fungi, including C. albicans 6.


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